SBU AA E-Zine Editors Maria Ng and Mai Luong with Charles Wang

A Great Happy 65th Birthday!

and that

the Lighthouse gets approved!

the Islanders win the Stanley Cup!
even in the old stadium

and with our regime change
you will find a reason to visit again!

And to everyone else -
enjoy his gift to the campus of the

Architect: P.H. Tuan   

Charles B. Wang Center
Celebrating Asian & Asian American Cultures


Architect: P.H. Tuan   

As you sit gazing at the reflection
of the red garden gates in the pond
with bamboo walls rustling around you
in the summer breeze, the
tower to heaven
pagoda reflecting humanity's unity above you

You can blow Charles a birthday kiss and
make a wish that he'll have many more to come

so when the Islanders stop losing $2 million
every year - or even before - he'll come back to
Stony Brook because our hockey team needs him too!

and given the ravage budget cuts on campus
he could sit here with Ellen Li and Sam Stanley
sharing stories of raising their kids to appreciate
their family's cultures and themselves while taking
Asian & Asian American programming off life support!
and say a thank you to him too!


And now back to
the on hiatus summer
AA E-Zine