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if you are getting a
leadership award at the
[AA]2 / AA E-Zine
Graduating Leaders

Awards Ceremony




You do not have to RSVP to get an award and come to a reception. Although we email each club, not all clubs respond. Some students do not find out about this until the main ceremony.

But we would like you to RSVP if you know in advance because it is faster and easier for everyone if the awards are printed in advance. If we do not hear from you, we will not print your award before the ceremony. We will do it at the ceremony and that means you will have to wait in line to get it.


First, a word of welcome to everyone to come - come alone, come with friends or partners, come with parents, come even if you aren't walking in the main ceremony. This ceremony is to celebrate with your peers what you have all done to make the Stony student experience a wonderful one. Everyone claps and cheers when you get your award. The special guests make you and your guests feel special too because you are! You're more than just one red cap in a sea of red caps - you made Stony Brook special! 

Because this is a Friday, many parents can't come. This ceremony began in the old Asian American Center Bridge when we found three CASB students who had made their own "family" because their parents couldn't make it. We celebrated together and the next year made it a real reception.

For international students, it's rare for parents to fly in. We've had LGBT students who came with partners because their parents didn't accept them, and straight students who came with partners for the same reason.

If you come with your parents and they don't speak English, don't leave them outside - we've had students do that too! Lots of parents don't and no one cares. Nothing beats the look of pride on a parent's face, even when they may not understand what is being said, but they can see their child is being honored. 

What your awards will say:

1) You may have been in lots of positions in lots of clubs and the webpage will list them all, but you only get one printed award per club. When you RSVP you must either give us or confirm that
- the spelling of your name on the webpage is correct
- the positions and dates you served in each position

- if you are listed more than once, which position in each club you want printed

- if you are coming.


2) Give everyone, including us, a non-SBU address. One semester after graduating, you will lose your .edu email account.

3) No award is printed beforehand UNLESS you have confirmed you will be there. We do not mail awards. You don't show, it gets garbaged and you've wasted paper, ink, time, and money.

Here's how the leadership ceremony works:

1) We used to have one main ceremony, after the University main ceremony, in the Union. The Union is being torn down so this year (2017) will be the first time in SAC. Because of the greater distance from the stadium, and because Engineering is being really b*tchy about when you get on their line (you're expected to starve from 10am until 4pm) - this year we are instead doing multiple smaller mini-ceremonies.

For those with Thursday or Friday morning department ceremonies, you can come have brunch, get your award, go to the main ceremony. Or rather than rushing, just go to the main ceremony and get your award while having a relaxing lunch.

If you have an afternoon department ceremony, you can come for brunch, or try to squish the award ceremony in after the main ceremony and before your department one, or you can come after your (almost as boring as the main one) department ceremony.

You and your guests get a chance to eat, you get up and make a speech after you are given your award, and there is a photo op with you, your parents and the person giving you the award. 

If your parents are there, remember to thank them too when you talk about your SBU journey and the activities you put your heart and soul into instead of your GPA - don't just thank clubs and friends who made the journey with you.

[AA]2: Asians, Americans, Asian Americans
Leadership Awards Ceremonies and Receptions
Media Suite - SAC 307
9:30 am to 4 pm






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